A Collaborative Approach

Within the context of a small organisation, our own backgrounds are diverse. We build on the strength of our different perspectives and outlooks. Our management team includes Chartered Management Institute (CMI) accredited tutors, and our experience is that the understanding of occupational standards in management, and experience of programme delivery which this provides, is highly relevant in both public and private sector settings. In addition, all of our training programmes include Executive Coaching – specifically in the context of on-the-job implementation of planned development actions and of learning.

This range of skills and experience within a small team ensures we are able to deliver high quality solutions at good value to our clients.

Our approach is inherently collaborative and we work to ensure that any processes we introduce are sustainable through a good cultural and operational fit coupled with sustainable skills-transfer.

We have wide-ranging experience supporting internal teams in delivering development interventions, including 1 to 1 and group coaching, bespoke training courses, workshops, seminars and networking events. We are very aware of the need to balance the introduction of an external viewpoint, specific skill-sets and specialist guidance with learning from and working with internal teams.

Our work includes extensive research and analysis, both for planning and evaluation purposes with a view to realising improvements.

In our development practice we are skilled and experienced in setting goals at the level of the Organisation – in conjunction with stakeholders – as well as the level of the individual. Where organisational goals are pre-set, we ensure that we have a clear understanding of these goals and how our contribution will support their achievement. We also ensure that goals are aligned with the Organisation’s strategy and values, are aspirational, attainable, and appropriately resourced and supported. When it comes to development goals, we additionally ensure that these goals support a wider vision (e.g.: career goals). In personal development planning, we use templates to guide consideration of all of these issues.

We then guide and support staff members to create and achieve well-formed, aspirational and challenging professional goals, including job performance improvements, enhanced qualifications, significant career growth and new business development, as measured by our evaluation framework. One method we have implemented to achieve these outcomes is the establishment of a mentoring programme known as the Mentor HiveTM, a web-based mentoring support application for both individuals and organisations which can provide impartial advice on on-going career development.

We have all worked in large organisations with diverse staff, delivering coaching, development programmes and consultancy for staff of all backgrounds and are committed to support all learners, regardless of their background or individual needs. We engage with all applicants for our programmes to find out about any specific needs and every effort is made to accommodate these in a sensitive manner. We have extensive experience across all assignments of designing development activities and assessments to allow for a range of requirements. Additional adjustments are made where these are needed – in discussion with the individual.

We work extensively with groups of highly successful and professional staff including consultants, senior academics and City high-fliers. We engage with them by demonstrating credibility, balance and respect for their intelligence and achievements while creating the understanding that they may still have learning needs and professional/career issues which can be changed and improved.

We are also well versed in identifying competency-based attainment and any development needs, in designing and delivering individual development in line with competencies and in training others to do the same.

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