Environmental Policy

February 2013 (revised)

New Directions Coaching Ltd. delivers management consultancy services, including research, training, coaching, organisational change and evaluation.

It has a low environmental impact, but strives to ensure this remains the case and reviews its activities annually.

In addition to complying with relevant legislation, New Directions Coaching’s environmental impact has been specifically considered in the following areas:

Prevention of Pollution

New Directions Coaching will ensure its activities avoid creating pollution. This includes sensitive use of air conditioning and heating when delivering courses.

Recycling and Waste Management

New Directions Coaching will provide documentation including reports and training materials in electronic formats where possible and prints double-sided as default to minimise paper consumption and waste.

We will use as much recycled / sustainably planted paper as possible, and ensure that training facilities are not wasteful in terms of plastic cups, etc.

Paper waste will be recycled where confidentiality is not an issue.

All other waste will be recycled wherever possible.


New Directions Coaching will ensure all electronic items are disposed of in a manner that ensures data protection (where relevant) and adheres to WEEE regulations.


Where possible we will use Public transport facilities, and will only use taxis and private vehicles where that is impractical.

We will promote video conferencing and telephone contact for meetings where appropriate.

Clients, Suppliers and Third Parties, Sustainability and Ethical Purchases

New Directions Coaching encourages its customers to use products and services in an environmentally sensitive way.

Where applicable we will work to meet customers and clients’ environmental action plans.

We will try to maximise the number of products it purchases which are locally sourced and sustainable (e.g. water).

New Directions Coaching will seek out partners and suppliers that are able to share the organisation’s environmental aims.

This policy will be communicated to all employees, associates and key suppliers as part their induction / contracting process.

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