Health & Safety

New Directions Coaching Ltd. is committed to ensuring, in so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees, associates, clients and learners.

Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is that of Mark Stevens, Managing Director.

Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice at training events and client engagements is delegated to the course leader or senior consultant.




To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health and provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work activities. Risk assessments completed using the attached form and actions arising out of those assessments implemented. Risk assessments reviewed every year, or sooner of operation requirements change.
To provide adequate training to ensure employees are competent to do their work. All employees are given suitable health and safety induction, including manual handling, DSE safety, COSHH and fire awarness. In addition to staff, associates in delivery roles are also briefed on risk assessments and evacuation procedures for when working on client or third party premises.
To engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions and provide advice and supervision on occupational health. Staff are consulted on health and safety matters as they arise but also formally consulted at regular health and safety performance review meetings or sooner if required.
To implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident. On all premises used escape routes well signed and kept clear at all times. Evacuation plans are communicated to all participants at the start of events.
To maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage/use of substances. On all training premises used, toilets, washing facilities and drinking water are provided for staff,contractors and participants. System in place for routine inspections and testing of equipment (PET) to ensure their safe operation.

Additional arrangements:

First-aid box and accident book are located in the training kit.

Accidents and ill health at work reported under RIDDOR through the Managing Director.

February 2013 (revised)

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