Brand DNA™

Brand DNA TM
offers our clients a revolutionary methodology through which they can determine and evaluate the DNA of their Brand – the Brand values, culture, personality, goals which comprise the Brand Promise of a customer-facing product or service.  Most companies are not truly aware of what their Brand Promise encompasses, how it actually impacts consumer decision-making processes and how the Brand Promise also determines the success or failure of corporate recruiting procedures.

Building a powerful brand is imperative for companies wishing to attract new customers. Fulfilling the Brand Promise is imperative to the survival and growth of the company through repeat business as customers purchase a product or service based on the perception created by the Brand Promise.

Extensive research has gone into NDC’s Brand DNATM profiling, training and performance solutions, involving:

  • Brand Development and Diversification
  • Brand Immersion
  • Insight and Innovation
  • Trend Forecasting and Interpretation
  • Corporate Recruitment

which creates the blueprint of a Brand’s components in order to modify and reinforce the Brand identity through culture, vision, values, targeted staff recruitment and talent management.

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